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Hear from Libby and her Mum about her great journey to dancing on the Toy Show 2022

Hi my name is libby I am 12 years old.

My chosen activity is dancing.
I have been dancing since I'm 3 years old.

I absolutely love it.
I train 12 hours per week.
I love my dance family I love my teachers.

I train so hard and I have reached a very high level and I feel really proud of myself.

I have done over 100 competitions.
They are my favourite part of dancing.
It's so much fun and I get to spend a weekend with my friends.

This year the world's took place in Dublin.
I was representing my country and it was the best experience of my life.
I danced against 26 brilliant dancers.
And Guess what ? 
I came 3rd I am 3rd in the world  
It Was Amazing.

Watch out for me dancing on the toy show this year  


Hi I'm Audrey libbys Mammy

Dancing is libbys huge passion and love.
Libby has Always loved to express herself through Dance

When covid hit as with lots of families it had a huge financial affect on ours.
There was a point that I thought libby would have to cut back 

With the help of Follow your dream this has honestly made the difference to keep libby reaching for her dreams.
We are so Thankful and Grateful.

My proudest Moment was libby representing her country this year.. her standing on that podium with the biggest smile on her face I will never forget it.

Wonderful organisation
Thank you for giving our wonderful children the chances they deserve.

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Follow Your Dream CLG


93 Ashwood Road


Dublin 22



00 353 0(1) 457 1792

Copyright 2014 Follow Your Dream CLG. Registered Charity Number 20042141. Registered Address RIchardstown, Ballyboughal,, Co. Dublin. All rights reserved.

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